Running Must Read List

Some People Like to Run and Some People Like to Read About Running Before Doing It..

Here are some great books I have read a long the way that have helped me become a more motivated runner. If you know of any that you think I or someone else might enjoy, then please post your suggestions in the comments section below. I am always looking for a great and helpful running book to read.

Book 1: The Nonrunner's Marathon Guide for Women: Get Off Your Butt and on With Your Training
By: Dawn Dais

This was the first book I ever read about marathon training.  I am not a very technical person and I don't get a lot of the other stuff that goes into running. I like this book because it really is designed for nonrunners. What I like about this book is that Dais is very honest about the pitfalls of training. It doesn't always go smoothly and it isn't as I like to say "all rainbows and sunshine" when she discusses running. Her story and her determination are great motivating factors. Another aspect of this book that I really like is that she has a quirky sense of humor and her stories are very entertaining. To this day, I still refer to the waist pack water bottle holders as "water bottle butt thingies." Its an enjoyable quick read with a lot of practical advice for a first time marathoner and half marathoner. Dais makes anyone who is struggling with training feel better about themselves because by reading her book you begin to realize that struggling is often just part of the process.